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By Avid A Solution | 27 May 2018 | Entrepreneur

Learning is the most boring thing to do in the world. Adults view learning as serious and boring.  I can't agree more.


I remembered how painful it was to wake every morning to attend boring lecture classes during my university time because most of the lectures were really boring.


Then again, I was studying plant biotechnology and the lectures were not interesting at all. But I enjoyed the subject anyway and still do today.


So how did I make the most boring subject fun to learn? It's all about the learning experience. I choose to focus on adding FUN into my learning process.


10. Setting  goals 


Setting goals helps you visualize the end results. This makes it fun because you're already thinking about finishing.


By the time you finished writing goals down, you will feel pumped up and ready for the learning session. 


9. Ask fun questions about the learning topic

When you ask questions before you start a learning session, your brain is warming up to do the heavy lifting. That is THINKING.


Just like working out, it is advisable to do a 5 to 10 mins warm up exercises before jumping into the intense workouts.

This is to loosen up the muscle joint and increase blood flow to the muscles. It's the same with learning. Your brain needs to produce many neurons (brain cell) to activate the thinking part of the brain. 


8. Create a learning plan 

Once you're brain has warmed up, you'll notice ideas coming out while you're thinking about what to put in your learning plan.


Write all those ideas down and focus on the things that's important for that one particular session. You can focus on the others later. Try to limit your focus to just 5 ideas. Make it simple as possible.


7. Blank page


Blank page is used to jot down learning notes. You can do the traditional way by outlining the notes or you can create a mind map.


Mind mapping is the best and really fun. You put the big idea in the center and create branches around the main ideas.  


The branches will be the sub topics to the main idea. This is called conceptualizing ideas. I like this method because it's freeing my mind to think and organize my thoughts in order


 6. Imagine playing a character 


This is the most unusual way to learn something new. Being someone else helps you to channel your learning powers that has been hidden in your deep memory.


Just like superheroes, they are the strongest when they wear their superhero mask. 


By playing a different character while studying, you will enjoy the learning process because you will have a different outlook when it comes to learning a boring subject.


5. Create a conversation


When you're learning on your own, it will get a little boring not having anyone around.


If you have some thoughts about the learning materials and like to discuss more about the topic, you can do that with yourself.


By playing a different character, you're conversation with yourself will be more intriguing and you will get a different outlook on the learning topics as the character you're portraying.


Many intelligent people have admitted that talking to themselves helps with the thinking process. Plus it's really fun to talk to yourself.


But it order for the conversation to be valuable, the discussion needs to be about the learning topic. 


4. Listen to an upbeat music


Listen to an upbeat music helps to focus your mind on the subject you're learning. This is because you're mind has to work extra hard to focus on a task that you find boring.


By listening to an upbeat music or music you like, your brain is able to focus on the boring task like learning and ignore the distraction around you.


Plus, you can take a 5 mins dance break to add fun in your learning session.

 3. Stand up and move


Sitting for hours studying is stressful which adds up to the  non-enjoyable part of the learning experience.


When you take 10 mins break to stretch, move around or dance, you're actually releasing the tension bundle up in your brain.


Once the tension is released, your brain is free to do the heavy lifting for another hours. Just like working out, you need to rest after each reps to restore the energy your body has lost from the workout.


2. Make learning a gaming session   


The objectives of any game is to win, solve problem or complete a task faster than the competitor. When you're learning on your own, you're actually competing against yourself.


So don't cheat. Example of a learning game can be the number of process you can memorize within a specific time or how fast you can go through a lecture notes within a specific time.


These are some examples and I'm sure you can be more creative than what I've mentioned.


1.  Reward yourself 


After spending  hours learning new materials and putting all your energy and attention on it, you deserve to celebrate.


This is the best part about learning or studying which makes the learning experience an unforgettable journey.


At the end of the session, you not only gain new knowledge but you gain new experience and this is not handed on a silver platter. It's something you have to earn and experience. 

Are you excited about learning now? I hope so.


I have been there and I know that learning is boring. But when I add some fun into my learning session, I love investing my time into learning new things.


And I think you should too. If you find yourself starting to get bored with your work, in classroom or in a meeting, try adding these tips into the situation.


I bet it will be less painful than when you just tolerate the unpleasant. 

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