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By Avid A Solution | 31 August 2018 | Entrepreneur


You long to start a business of your own. But where do you start? There are hundreds of article online on `How to start a business’. What stopping you from taking action?


The answer is simple. It’s the lack of drive to make your dream a reality and fear has been responsible for your setbacks. Its mission in life is to tell you whole bunch of lies.


At Entrepreneur Boot Camp, we train you to become a commander for the purpose of defeating the family of fear for once and for all.

How to be trained? 

First and foremost, you must be aware of the reason for not knowing where to start. It is because, you haven’t learned Step 1. Why do you want to start a business in the first place?


Second, you’ve been listening to Fear’s family for most of your life and I can understand why you’re so afraid to take any kind of action when it comes to your dream life. It’s full of uncertainty and that is scary.

Week 1

At Entrepreneur Boot Camp, we’re going to address these two issues immediately in week 1.


In addition, you’ll be exposed to the basic concept of marketing and learn more about your customer and the reason they seek for your products or services.


Also, we’ll cover some important marketing strategies to help you get started with your new business venture.


Most importantly, we MUST cover the `Why’ before we can start with the `How’.


Week 2

In week 2, you’ll be challenged in a form of physical, mind and heart. All of these are the foundation of problem solving techniques.


Before you can solve the external dilemma, you MUST be able to solve the internal conflict.


Week 3 

In week 3, you’re ready to face you’re worst nightmare, the fear of failing. This will be the hardest week you’ll ever experienced in your entire life.


You’ll start to feel like a real entrepreneur with so many tasks to juggle including your dream job and personal life.


I don’t want you to be discouraged but this is normal, juggling multiple tasks at one time. I can assure you, however, that failure doesn’t exist. You’ll only fail, if you do nothing.


Therefore, getting organized and prioritizing tasks will be your greatest weapon against baby fear. For now.

Week 4

In week 4, this is when transformation takes place. By this week, you’ll understand what it means to be an entrepreneur.


It’s about problem solving and staying organized with your tasks, objectives and goals. Lastly, you’ll put together a simple business plan just to get you started and build momentum.


Sounds like a great plan, right? It is with proven results.


I have to warn you, though.


This program is brutal but it’s worth it.


Your body will be sore for the first week but you’ll recover in the second week.


In addition, you MUST give 110% of your focus and attention during the 4 weeks program. Lastly, you MUST commit yourself for 4 weeks no skipping sessions or no refund.


Last WARNING and this is a big one.


If you do happen to transform after 4 weeks, you’re going to be super busy for the next 12 months because you’ll be executing your business like no other until you achieve all your business goals.


If you want to double confirm your future life as a remarkable business leader, contact us today.

Or if this is what you want, REGISTER TODAY and see you on the track. 

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